Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care at Murphys Creek State School
What does a School Chaplain do?
School chaplains work as part of the school team to facilitate connection into the school network and wider community. School chaplains are a safe person for students to connect with in the school environment and provide a listening ear, caring presence and message of hope. Regardless of religious beliefs the chaplaincy service here at our school is available to everyone in the school community.
What does Chaplaincy look like at Murphy's Creek State School?
As our school chaplain, Don (also known as Chappy Don) provides practical and spiritual support to protect the emotional and social well-being of our students, staff, parents and wider school community. Chappy Don is a positive role model in our school community and has established positive relationships with students, staff and parents during his extended time here.
At Murphys Creek State School we know a caring environment enhances a student's ability to achieve their best. This is why Chappy Don likes to assist in the classrooms, attend school camps, run programs that assist students to develop social and life skills. Some of these programs include Chappy Breakfast (Fridays at 8:15am), Model building and Art Therapy.
News from Our School Chaplain
It has been a great first semester this year at Murphy's Creek State School. I have found it a wonderful school community to be a part of and a real privilege to work with the students, staff and parents. I thought it would be good to remind you of my role here as a School Chaplain.
As a School Chaplain, I work in a supportive/caring role in the school with teachers and students, encouraging children in their day to day school life, school work, social and friendship skills and being available if pastoral care or help is needed within the school.
Most times I am working and supporting in the classroom with students, then at lunch breaks, engaging with sport, games or drawing activities.
I am at the school Thursdays and Fridays and will be available to be contacted through the school. It has been great to continue getting to know many parents in the school community. If you have any questions or would like some support, please feel free to contact me through the school.
Don Truss
School Chaplain